Sunday, July 29, 2007

HELLO summer! (=

my life revolves around work now. sad, but true. not that i'm complaining. ;) i love my job. i know i complain now and then, but who doesn't? yet, i actually don't mind waking up early and driving to work. it's tiring as heck, but hey, i have fun. the coworkers and i mess around. talk. laugh. scare each other when we're not looking. i scared Lyna this one time, and she screamed so loud, startling my dentist. he came and he was like, "what happened" in a serious tone. i thought i would get in trouble, but i just told the truth and said that i scared the receptionist so she screamed. the doctor laughed and said, "good job." and kept walking. whew. :D

oh, the other day, this tough-looking girl with tattoos all over her body and plugs came into our office to do some fillings. patients were arriving every other second, and my doctor was short on staff that day cuz a few called in sick, so he asked his wife (my other boss) if he could borrow me for a bit. so, i had to become a dental assistant just like the old days. well, yeah. so i brought this patient in (the tattoo girl) and as i was setting up the tools and taking out the lidocaine and tranquilizer, she asked me in a rude voice, "what are you doing."

"I'm setting everything up for your filling." i said.

"no, i want to know what you're going to do to me." she said.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. the doctor will. don't worry, he'll come and explain everything to you."

"NO. tell me what you're going to do to me. i don't want to get a shot"

"That's up for the doctor to decide, not me." then i tried to inconspicuously escape the room.

(something along those lines..)

the doctor came, and started to numb her up by giving her a shot. that was the most intense experience i've ever had. she was sobbing and screaming and yelling and saying "Oh God, NO please NO" as the doctor was trying to give her more shots. such an ironic sight, i swear. here's this girl who's probably 6 feet something, big built, tattoos all over her body, and ear plugs (they were huge ones t0o!) crying and sobbing. i would feel sorry for her, but she was being a b*tch to me and the doctor. the doctor was exasperrated and frustrated as well, because, well, she's a very rude patient. when she sat up to rinse the mouth, the dentist was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face as he shook his head, embarrassed for her. i had to shush him and told him not to laugh or else she will see and get angry.

after she was done with her filling, she rudely stomped out without a word as the dentist was trying to explain to her. me and the dentist gave each other a look. 15 minutes later, an angry patient came running in, saying that a big girl with tattoos all over her body had just crashed into her car and pulled a hit-and-run. the angry patient demanded all the information on this girl. cops came, and they talked to the dentist, and

OKAY i think i should stop rambling bout work. too much work gives me a headache.

pictures time! =)
(starting with most recent..which is. today!)


haha so i got home from work today early, and nobody was home.
i was bored, so vivian and i decided to go shopping!
and here, we visited amanda and bumped into james as they
were working at express,
so we decided to take pix w/ them! :D

oh, and we saw darren too. we were supposed to take a pic
wiht him but there were too many customers waiting. soo
we decided to just stalk him with our camera ;)


thennn that night, at 9 pm, Lyna (my coworker, she's 24) picked me up
and we went to meet up with the rest of her friends.

the other Lena =)

they were lovely singers. :)

the guys told us to choose a bottle..

lol asian glow coming..

"model for the bottles" - Bill. hahaha i suck.

group picture at the end. the other half of the table left earlier :(

the photographer CUT ME AND LYNA OFF. stupid.

so we demanded a retake. :)


hahah birhtday boy.


me and the birthday boy!

presenting will's present...

cheers! you can only see my smile though cuz im so short :(

hahah asian not the only onE!! :D

they played poker as i sat and pretended to watch.

then the butt raping of quang vu. started w/ one person...

then 2...

then three came...

then comes the spanking. D:

gropu picture

group picture #2

(they finally uploaded the pix! ahha me and vivian
IMed each other at the exact same time to tell each other the
news :P )

me and brian!

steve and jade!

group :) missing some..i think.

group agai..missing some i think.


im feeling woozy.