Saturday, August 18, 2007

yay for random shopping day with amanda! :)

this outfit was intersting. the shorts are connected to the shirt..
so we were wondering, what if we needed to pee really badly?
such an inconvenience... D: D: D:

check out our model pix ;)

oh! and random

beach day :)

me and steve!

me and dan!

chipotle! :)

well this post was kinda boring and a waste of time..
sorry! bye!

anyways. okay gnight. im tired.

Survey i stole from a person's blog =)

The Basic Stuff

Name: Kaitlyn Ngoc Vu
Age: nineteen =)
Height: shorter than you, most likely.
Weight: i'm petite.
Birthday: April twenty six
Birthplace: the non-communist area of vietnam
Current Location: garden grove (soon to be La Jolla, SD!)
School/Grade: University of SD, 2nd year =)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus (the stubborn one)
Chinese Zodiac Sign: dragon (the fiery-temper-when-you-least-expect-it one)
Righty or Lefty: lefty ("you will die earlier than most rightys" --well, screw you!)
Haircolor: blackish-brownish.
Eyecolor: blackish
Skin Color: asian enough.

About You

What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc): five people
Any Pets: i used to have a turtle, but it fell off my desk and died.
If So What Are They: oh! and i had two cutest bunnies. they died eating newspapers, sighh.
Political Affilation: i would say...democratic

Love & Sex

Sexuality: i'm..a girl? and am into...guys? i dont understand this question.
Are You In A Relationship Now: never!
If So, With Whom: you, duhh [[ whoever's reading this (= ]]
For How Long: oh you know, a night.
Are You In Love: nope
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone: sure why not
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex: nope. okay i lied, i'm madly in love with jenjing. =)
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss: 18! yep, when i was in college. =)
Virgin: haha isn't this question kinda personal?
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time: whoever made this survey is very nosy.
Was It Enjoyable: lol i would say 99% of the population enjoys sex.
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone: haha isn't this question kinda personal?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed: lips - intimate. neck - sexy. forehead - cute. stomach - getting there... ;)
Best Love Quote: dammit i did have one but it slipped my mind. i'll get back to you on that.


Taken or Single: single.
Relationships or Flings: relationships are lovely. but flings are fun.
Whats more important looks or personality: FUNNY with a cute smile =)
Longest relationship: 4 months ~
Shortest relationship: mmm relationship? i dont know. i guess 4 months.
Crush: sure why not.
Does he know you like him: mmm i dont know, you tell me. he should have figured it out.
Tall or short: tall! but not too tall.
Skinny or Fat: um, huggable. =)
What is the first thing you notice in a guy: cute smile, for sure. =)
Funnest Date you've ever been on: i would say...rock climbing because it's different from the usual movies/dinner.
Worst Date you've been on: i don't think i've had a bad date before.
Do you believe in soulmates: mmm sure.
Do you like romantic guys: mmm, to a certain point. i want my guy to be fun. but cute-romantic, not dramatic-romantic. if he's too sweet, i get uncomfortable.
Flowers or candy: flowers!
Have you been in love: nope.
Did it work out: can't work out if it never happened =)
Has any guy ever cheated on you: i sure hope not *glares*
Have you ever cheated: hahaha nope.
If so why: because he deserved it. just keeding =)
Why do you think girls stay when they know their man is cheating on them: because they don't think they can get anyone better. but anyone is better than those douche bags who cheat on you.
Would you stay: nope. he can go screw himself.
Sweetest thing a guy's ever done for you: mmm...i would definitely say valentines day. <=) blerghskldfjadklfa;j. =/
Your Friends

Best: i would say my closest friend is cindy.
How Many Do You Have: how many friends do i have? i dont know, who keeps track of those things.
More Guys Or Girls: i would say...guys.
Love Them All: 'course!
Any You Wish You Were Closer To: mmm...yes.
Oldest: oldest friend..24 years old.
Newest: i guess brian? actually william, but he was so dirty and perverted in a rude way that i didn't bother to associate with people like him.

This Or That

Boxers or Briefs: for guys? boxers, hands down. because then i can actually wear it too =)
Thongs or G-Strings: thongs.
Shorts or Pants: mmm depends on the weather
Shoes or Barefeet: depends on the scenario..
Books or Movies: books. or movies. depends on my mood.
Night or Day: day is for some light fun, night is for some promiscuous fun.
Mountains or Beach: mountains...beach gets too hot or windy. =[
Snow or Sun: mmmm fun in the sun, and snuggle in the snow =)
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi...i guess. i dont drink soda much.
Guys or Girls: both.
Swim or Surf: swim...though i definitely would not mind learning how to surf! =)

For or Against

Gay Marriage: eh.
Abortion: if you're considering it unselfish reasons, then it should be alright. who am i to judge?
Bush Getting Re-elected: mmmm no.
Suicide: no. i'll kill you first. >=[
War: nope, but you gotta do what you have to do.. =/
Pants: pants in public, no pants in the bedroom. ;)
Clothes In General: if you're a guy with a hot body, having clothes on should definitely be made illegal.
Penises: hahaha what if i said against? then would a law be made to detach all penises from every boy? =)


Color: it fluctuates. sometimes, it's lavendar. sometimes, it's emerald green. sometimes, it's midnight blue.
Number: 26! and 8! and 5! =)
Holiday: christmas!
Season: springgg =)
Movie: a walk to remember. love and basketball. puruist of happyness. the notebook. the bourne series. lord of the rings series.
Book: i have a lott.
Magazine: oh you know. me and my roomate love to share what we learn from the newest cosmopolitan ;)
Food: depends on my mood.
Drink: passion tea! =) i drink it at work everytime.
TV Show: guy. oh, definitely heroes.
Song: depends on my mood. right now, it's bubbly - colbie collaite
Band: i like quite a few. ataris. lifehouse. daphne loves derby. starting line. ecetera..
Computer Game: starcraft? but i don't have the cd anymore :(
Video Game: mariokart! i also secretly am in love with the game ninja boy. and mario from supernintendo. =)
Flower: tulips!
Scent: my dkny - be delicious. ;)
Animal: turtle!z

More Stuff About You

Piercings: ears
Tattoos: i wouldn't mind getting one.
Smoke: nope, it's a turnoff when guys smoke. but i've learned to deal with that.
Drink: once in a purple moon i guess.
Do Drugs: nope. but i've learned to deal with guys who do.
Skinny Dip: i wouldn't mind doing that either.
Greatest Fear: a loved one dying. getting cheated on.
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla! i don't particiularly love chocolate.
Go To Church: yes every weekend
Religion: liberal catholic. (liberal = open minded)
Scars: yes! one from rock climbing. i think thats it actually..
CDs Owned: i do illegal stuff >.>
Collections: random stuff.
Like To Be Naked: sure.
Ever Eaten Sushi: yes. i dont like raw fish. i love rolls though =)
An Entire Case Of Oreos: yeap im a fatty.
Been On Stage: yes. talent show stuff.
Danced In The Rain: yes, i tend to skip around in the rain sometimes when i think nobody is looking.
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex: mmmm...i MIGHT've accidentally touched lips with maecy...but we were both drunk. hm...i should ask her about that sometime.
Weirdest Dream: oh boy, you dont want to know. :-D
Best Dream: hehehe :D i couldn't stop smiling all day.
Saddest Dream: :( i woke up crying.
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True: oh you know.
Think You're Attractive: everyone's unique in their own way.
Shoplifted: nope.
Been Caught "Doing Something": hahaha "doing something" mm, i don't think so. we were close to being caught :P
Weirdest Makeout Place:'s mostly in the bedroom. or car. or bathroom. nothing weird about those places..
Like Thunderstorms: it scares me sometimes, but sounds intriguing at the same time.
Favorite Shoes: i would boots because i look a tad bit taller =)
Favorite Quote: Life is not the amount of breaths you take -- it's the moments that take your breath away. - hitch.
Best Advice Given: "don't do it."
Worst Advice Given: "do whatever you want to do."
Favorite Song Lyric: mmm a lot.
What Quote Says Most About Your Life: The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. - E. E. Cummings
Glad This Is Over: YES. good day.