Tuesday, March 6, 2007

That One Weekend Where We Decided To Go To Barona ~

yeah, and i totally got carded towards the very end when i was just trying to enjoy my dinner...
pffffft. -_-

we are ready to gamble, a.k.a. stupidly lose our money.

yeah, what else is new?
okay, this caption doesn'tmake sense but i couldn't think of one for this picture.


my roomate won $400... O_O


normal picture.

i love how julie is thrashing about.

"5 dollars love you long time" ... + 3 girls being sexy at the end of the line.
(don't you just love how jen's hand is totally on kelsey's butt? ;D )

ifeeeeeeee ~

yah we all fit in a small elevator. muahaha.
Ryan's face! HAHAH what a creeeep!

fardi's tongue is pretty nasty.


~ left at 10/11 pm and came back at 4 am? hehe. surely a grand night it was.


The Day We Skipped Classes To Go To The Beach Because The Day Was Just Too Nice.

ready for some fun in the sun...

heheh :)

me and julissaaaaa <3


my eyes are quite chinkinized.

i like piggy back rides.

pyramid ~ the farther up, the wider the legs spread. haa haaa.

every beach needs a picture like this.

suite 460 babbyyyy ~

yes. that is all.


The Day We Went To Cafe Ventannas And The Day I Met DAT PHAN, the Asian Comedian. :)

i thought this was supposed to be a funny pose, thats why...


jon, DAT PHAN, james, me, and eric.

okay, that is all for now.
it's 4:40 am...and i think i should sleep.


Helloo ~

so here's a story:

my original blog got deleted because some stupid kid decided to make the blog site all spiffy and crap. and he opened the door for all sorts of viruses to come in. so those viruses pretty much ate away all my blogs. and now i can't log in. pfffft. ):

ohwell. just thought the world would like to know that.
back to studying for chem...

7:59 pm.

okay. i can't study for chem.
so i shall write some more nonsense in here...

you shouldn't take things for granted. because eventually, you'll lose one for another. it hurts seeing certain people that you were once so close to being taken away by another. it really does. just because of some shit and regrets. what hurts even more is when you lose not one, but two at the same time.

i hope i know what i'm doing from now on.
(: take my hand.

- taken in San Jose. (i just thought the mother-daughter scene was cute.)

oh, and i shall upload pictures from beach & Baronaaa soon ~ hehe