Tuesday, March 13, 2007

But windows open and close,
that's just how it goes.
don't it feel like sunshine after alllllll~

- jimmy eat world

it's hard putting effort in something when the other won't try.
pride gets in the way sometimes.
i'm sorry.
it takes two to tango.
i'm trying. i really am.
he says, "life isn't burger king--you can't always have it your way."
i know that. i know that now. i'm trying.
when people come into my life, i don't want them to leave.
if i let you in my life in the first place, then you must have meant something to me.
don't leave. you can't take what we shared and just leave.
i'm sorry.
you lose one for another.
why does it have to be like that dammit.
friendships are tested at times like these.
it's just that, it's hardest when it's your first.


"i got to the stop light, then i made four rights. now i'm back to where i started..."

college really is about finding out more about yourself. your actions and decisions determine who you are. the comfort zone of highschool is but a dream. college opens the door to chances and tempts you in every way possible to leave your comfort zone and take those risks. so far, taking risks has only hurt. i know you're supposed to learn from your mistakes, and learn to live past the regrets. i really do try to.
but it still hurts.
yet again, that's what life is all about, isn't it? to be able to feel all sorts of emotions--both the good and the bad. but why does it have to hurt each time? i guess the optimistic view is that the more hurt you feel, the less it'll be each time until eventually it won't be so much of a slap in the face as it was the first time. because honestly, that first slap was a real bitch.
i don't understand. am i the type of girl that guys will be attracted to but never click? the short run, but never the long run? they say i'm not doing anything wrong, but that's what they all say. it has to be me. some things have to change. but i'll change for me, not for them. i'll learn from my mistakes and work my way around it-- for me.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

how many falls will it take to get what you want? how many mistakes will you make for you to learn? how many changes will you go through for things to fall into place? i just want things to go back to the way they were. i was happpier before, not letting anyone in and keeping my distance. but life happens. and it takes a part of you with it. it shows you the bad, and then the good. what's after the good? the better? the best? or the bad again? it hurts. but things will get better. they always do.
he says, everything happens for a reason. for the better.

i'd like to think that.