Tuesday, May 1, 2007

first off, i just want to thank everyone for coming to vivivan's and my birthday party at home. :) thank you for all the presents and flowers and cards and wishes and phone calls and letters and especially the loving! much much much love love love.

and thank you to that certain someone for the song (favorite girl-marques houston) dedication on the radio...heart. that made me smile.

also, thank you to my roomates, suitemates, and floormates for giving me a surprise birthdayyy party back in SD ! hehe. thank you for the flowers and cards and "fatty presents", as julie would call them. mmm, xoxoxoxoxo times a thousand and one.

and with that, pictures from my April birthday!



i came back to my dorm, and i saw flowers on my desk, and then on my bed! hehe and did you know that tulips are my absolute favorite? :) love love love you guys. :)

sooo pretty.


yeah my desk is pretty messy.

"Birhtdays are like sex" oh jen.

so, i pretty much pulled an all nighter the previous day (before my birthda) doing chem lab. i slept at 11 am. woke up at 2 to go to lab. 3 hours of mixing solutions...diediedie. then came back and pretty much napped away my day on my birthday because i was exhausted! then at around 11 pm, as i was sitting on my bed, my roomate jen was like, "Hey can you come down to POTS with me real fast to get food?" so i was like, okay. then as i walked down the hall, i saw MIKE BESHIR and julie was pulling at him towards the lounge too. so me and mike went in, and argo4 were in there with our cakes, saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) fun stuff--farid brought his stereo so we just danced, gave each of hte birthday kid lap dances, ecetera. :)

so they made me and mike go into the lounge at 11 pm
...(yeah, i look like im pretty much ready
to go to bed. -_-")


our birthday cakes. :)

mine! heheh so cute.

the guys and the birthday kids.

the girls and the birthday kids.

to celebrate all 7 of the April Babies: me, kelsey, elena, chris, mike, farid, and julie's birthdays, argo4 4 went to MEDIEVAL TIMES! hehe. fun stuff. then, we headed back to diana's house in irvine. fun stuff. :) danced the night away until 5 in the morning. me and maecy had quite an adventure afterwards, tip toeing over everyone who was knocked out on the floor, and stealing the bed .. (inside joke) "ROLL OVER!" :) we all woke up at 10 am ish? and then went to eat breakfast together at ihop and then drove back to SD.

FUNNN WEEKEND indeed. (:


the driver and passenger. jen's so sexy.

the girls! (missing janna, chris, and diana)

kelsey: "kaitlyn! i dont have a picture with just you."
so we decided to take a picture together...only to end up with 4
other people jumping into the picture last minute. -______-

so it was supposed to be just me, eric and ryan...
but ife and mike appeared out of nowhere. -_-

hahaha oh mike.

poor devon.

Me and JEN!

me and maecy!

me and carson!

me and mike!


the girls.


we pretty much owned the 2 rows. :)


hahah medieval times = time to be a kid again.

me and maecy + strawberry daquiri...it was pretty good.

me and mike!

us and the cutie.
julissa - "OMG THATS SO BIG"
kyle - "Why, thank you."
HAHAHAHHAHAHA;DLSFKJ;SDFLKJ inside joke if yo dont get it.

ARGO 4!!! :)

CUTE PICTURE of all of us. :)

on our way back to irvine for some FUN! :)

the "bartender". :P

hahah i dont think i was ready for this picture.


again again!

me and jen.

haha i like how diana's trying to get into the picture.

beer pong?

work it.


i love this picture. :)

chris is working it.

ife challenged mike to a dance off.

oh my.

whoa now.

devon's break dancing..

hahah maecy's expression.


maecy's giving me a lap dance.

work it.


oh diana.




i like this picture.

my next year's roomate. :) plus, carson and steph!

love love.

hahaha maecys a hottie.

yeah we prety much were eating the ben and jerrys parham
bought us at 5 in the morning cuz we're fatasses like that.

sunday morning, breakfast together! before we all headed back to SD.

whew. what a weekend.

the rest of the pictures are here:



oh oh oh, and dustin came to visit during my birthday week toooooo! hehehe. :) him, nguyen, and long took me to the casino. thanks for the hat! and dinner you guys! :)

... -_-




dustin brought vvn and me an ice cream cake...yummers!



ahhhhhhhhh sooo good. thanks amanda!

orgasmically delicious! i still cant get over it.

i like how nichole tried to get into my and vvn's picture. ._.

me and my strawberry lover, kimmy!

why can't i ever get a normal picture with tam.. -_-"

hehe amanda! friends since 6th grade... :)

me and randy! friends since 5th grade. :) oh how the years hav flown by.

so i tried to get a normal picture with tam, and he and andrew only ended up
trying to lift me up -_-

so unbalanced. :(

me and leighann :)

hahah i like how the guys look so retarded and the girls look normal. :D

hehe :)

how cute. the guys were huddling over tony because he got injured playing football.

heeeeeheeeee. on the sex dome.

me and DUSTIN!!! with christina's face creepily in between.


uh oh, the cake came out and jessica was the first culprit to victimize my face with cream.


SO WE GOT REVENGE...on leighann. bwhahhaha

hahahah caught!

mission accomplished, most excellent.

me and cindyyy! :) im glad she was able to make the last part of it.

hehehe :)

vincent! the tallest asian guy back home.

hahaha dan looks so awkward.

whats happening?

hehe. i guess people just enjoy picking me up since im so light. ._.

went back to my house and hung around. they guys started
reading dustin's sex game present to me.


the rest of hte pictures are here:

