Friday, April 6, 2007

"Why did you stay?"
"Because you asked me to."
"I did, didn't I.."
"I think we should go into town."
"What do you mean?"
"I think you should get dressed. We should take a drive, get some lunch..and get to know each other."
"Really? Why?"
"Because I'm running out of reasons why we shouldn't."



Every activity in itself is neither right nor wrong. None of htese is right in itself; the character of the activity depends on the way it is done. So not every type of loving and Love is right and deserves to be praised, but only the type that motivates us to love rightly.

Common Love is genuinetly "common" and undiscriminating in its effects; this is the kind of love that inferior people feel. People like this are attracted to...bodies rather than minds. They are attracted to partners with the least possible intelligence, because their sole aim is to get what they want, and they don't care whether they do this rightly or not. So the effect of love on them is that they act without discrimination: it is all the same to them whether they behave well or not.

It is wrong to gratify a bad man in a bad way, and right to gratify a good man in the right way. A bad man, in this connection, is the lover of hte common type, who loves the body rather than the mind. He is not constant, because he loves something that is not constant: as soon as the bloom of the body fades, which is what attracted him, "he flies away and is gone", bringing disgrace on all he said and promised. But hte man who loves goodness of character is constant throughout his life, since he has become united with something constant. The aim of our practice is to test lovers thoroughly and in the right way, to ensure that boys gratify one type but keep away from the other. That is why, at the same time, we encourage lovers to chase [girls] and encourage [girls] to run away from lovers. It's a kind of competition to test which type the lover belongs to and which type the [girl] belongs to. This explains why it's considered wrong to be caught quickly: this is to ensure that time intervenes, which is thought to be a good way of testing most things. Our view is that if someone is willing to put himself at someone else's service in the belief that hte other person will help him improve in wisdom or some other aspect of virtue, this willing slavery isnt wrong or humiliating.

On the same basis, suppose a boy thinks that his lover is a good [person] and gratifies him in teh hope of becoming better through the lover's friendship. If the lover turns out to be a bad person, quite lacking in virtue, there's no disgrace in being deceived in this way. This kind of boy has also shown something about his character: that he's keen to do anything for anybody to gain virtue and become better, and there's no motive more admirable than this.

-- Plato: The Symposium



"theres always gotta be a mirror shot."


lmao. sucha face.

the height difference is unbelivable. bwhaha!

my dateeee :)


the end.

(the rest of the pictures from semiformal are on facebook! :)



interesting angle.

the dan clones.

yahh, loitering!


oh yes, you gotta love the awkward pose.

oh amanda, whatever art thou doing?!

so colorful.

tam's being quite the creep.

hm, interesting angle yet again.

...CLUBBING at dv8, LA ~ a closure to spring break.

getting ready at angela's house.

yet another mirror shot.


lyly pretty much owns this picture. ;)

lyly ann jessica

angela me cindy.

hey, my eyes are blue! O_O


oh cindyyy...LMAO!

we are sad that we are leaving each other yet again...UCSD, UCI, UCLA.

hahahah "scared pose"

more photoshop fun, hehe.

me and jenn ~

hahah asian yellow glow.

moldy is the new sexy.

jen and me <3

okay, that is all for now. i shall update lator.