Tuesday, April 17, 2007

so, my weekend at UCLA was, how should i put it...simply wonderful.

i got to see my best friend CINDY and my strawberry lover KIMMY. a ginormous thank you goes to DARREN for driving all the way to san diego to pick me up and take me to LA. (:

outline of the weekend:

- darren picks me up from ucsd ~ 4 pm.

- pick up marie calendar's strawberry pie and flowers/balloons for cindy's 2 months late surprise birthday ~ 6/7 pm. (reunion! and Ono's fooood)

cindyyy :) i bought her a balloon that says, "You're My Kind of Guy" hehe.

cindy, me, kim. (: i surprised both of them with flowers.

we're sexy, no?

mMm my favorite kinda pie, hands down.

- kimmy takes me to meet her boyfriend; party at his house, then later dominic's house at, where i was introduced to all of kim's friends. ~ 10 pm?

we played king's cup. bwhahaha. i've never taken
so many shots until that night. T_T

oh the beautiful asian glow, cough. -_-

hahaha creepy guy in the background.

me kim dominic.

my strawberry lover. thank you for taking care of me
that night and making sure i'm alright. :)

jas and me.

jas is a cool name. (:

dj and me. it was his birthday too.

me and epakkkkkk. this guy is hilarious.

epak kim me.

daniel (kimmys boyfriend), epak, kim, me.
don't you just love the height slant? ;P

kimmy's a cutie patootie.

hahaha awesome picture.


dominic and i.

this was like, the 324809th kiss he gave me. o_O

then he insisted on a kiss from me...so i gave hime one.

he wanted another one.

paulina kimmy me.

- come back to UCLA campus around ~ 3/4 am.

- church in the morning on sunday (how i woke up for church after
last night? i dont know.)~ 10 am.

so we bumped into long phi after church...

"okay, serious smile this time." - LP

- shopping at westwood with cindy and darren ~ until 1 pm?

paparazzi picture as we walk down westwood ;P

no matter the distance...

somehow, we'll always find ways to be closer...

to where the heart is. (:

darren cindy me.


the bruin bear from ucla! hehe

- lunch at dining hall on campus (meet up with kimmy again) ~ until 3 pm.

we are bums.


darren made my ice cream look funny and stylish. -_-



oh cindy.

oh darren.

oh me.

oh kim.

HAHAHAHAHHAHA (inside joke picture) ;P

darrens face, lmao.

she is embarrassed by darren's mental retardation.

- "worked on HUM essay" ~ 4 pm. (ended up napping)

- visit vivian and nichole's dorm ~ 9 pm

hehe mini reunion.

- midnight hangout back at cindy's dorm before we departed :(

pigging out at midnight.

chilling back at cindys dorm.

cindy's cute. :)






(i must say, darren's expressions in all 5 of hte pictures were
the best out of us 4, hands down LMAO).

- back at UCSD ~ 4 am.

the end!

* more pictures will be updated when i get them. (: