Monday, August 27, 2007


saturday. august 25th.

- woke up at 7ish to get ready.
- went to LA to vvn's apartment.
- universal studio! =)
- city walk & tony ramos.
- back to vvn's house!
- back to Garden Grove @ 4 in the morning.

whoooo. =) loved it.

missing a day of work...... $ __.00
universal studio ticket ...... $ 40.00 (but really its 5 bucks for each of us)
eating their crappy burger...... $8.49
dinner at Tony Ramos....$20.00 (me and vvn split)
camera whoring all day...... PRICELESS! =)

aw, i barely made the discount mark ;)

how does it feel now, HUH JESSICA?! hehe =)

lucious lips seat. =) so much leg action!

heheh love it.

we're all over them. hahaha, oh dustin you homo.

oh yes, we're stars on the red carpet ;)

AH! oh no, we're being eaten by a shark D:

don't be deceived by our expressions...we really do love each other. =)


a quick stop at the dodger's game... :P

meet my, i mean our, boyfriend.

modeling-for-this-hawt-vw pose #1

modeling-for-the-hot-vw pose # 2. (what the-- i wonder wat happend to my sandals..)

meet mr. boyfriend #2. =)

we won this motorcycle... =) okay, i lied.



we are so gangaster... :P

on the studio tour =)


car from Fast and Furious tokyo drift!!! they showed us how to make
the cars all awesome in was pretty awesomeeee!!!!!

hehe the cars are flying =)

oh no!!! a flooood is coming!!

and then it disappeared just like that. =) magic! just kidding.
another movie effect. okay so, i REALLY want to go into movie production

new york city! or a fake one...this is where they film spiderman
and godzilla and other movies that are set in new york.

the water was perfectly covered, but then one push of a button and the water
parted! omgggg so awesome. did i mention that i REALLY REALLY want to
go into movie productions?! screw bio.. =)

ooo the desperate housewives is filmed here. the town is SO pretty...
such beautiful fake houses omg.

oh and we passed by the dr. seuss setting. i think its dr. seuss..
whatever, its a cute set =)

the set for War of the Worlds...where they filmed the aftermath...
so real1!!!!

you can see an airplane's fan right here. its actually
a real airplane that they crashed down just so they can use it
in the film. pretty awesome stuff.

went to see the animals who've acted in movie like Evan Almighty!
this monkey is sooo cuteee.

watched Water World...such a fantastic show to end the day =)

oh no the fire is spreading...

uh oh!

we were sitting just barely away from all this and still safe and sound!

on our way out towards city walk. BEAUTIFUL.

hehe in front of the sign. we're all tired and sweaty.


dinner @ tony ramos =)

awww...vivian's feeding me... =)

this is true love, hands down. =)

city walk! so prettyyy. the night life. =)

godzilla! :P

hehehe just random pix of city walk.

jade still has some pix! hopefully i can get it ASAP so i can edit and post =)

oh, one last thing.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

yay for random shopping day with amanda! :)

this outfit was intersting. the shorts are connected to the shirt..
so we were wondering, what if we needed to pee really badly?
such an inconvenience... D: D: D:

check out our model pix ;)

oh! and random

beach day :)

me and steve!

me and dan!

chipotle! :)

well this post was kinda boring and a waste of time..
sorry! bye!

anyways. okay gnight. im tired.

Survey i stole from a person's blog =)

The Basic Stuff

Name: Kaitlyn Ngoc Vu
Age: nineteen =)
Height: shorter than you, most likely.
Weight: i'm petite.
Birthday: April twenty six
Birthplace: the non-communist area of vietnam
Current Location: garden grove (soon to be La Jolla, SD!)
School/Grade: University of SD, 2nd year =)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus (the stubborn one)
Chinese Zodiac Sign: dragon (the fiery-temper-when-you-least-expect-it one)
Righty or Lefty: lefty ("you will die earlier than most rightys" --well, screw you!)
Haircolor: blackish-brownish.
Eyecolor: blackish
Skin Color: asian enough.

About You

What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc): five people
Any Pets: i used to have a turtle, but it fell off my desk and died.
If So What Are They: oh! and i had two cutest bunnies. they died eating newspapers, sighh.
Political Affilation: i would say...democratic

Love & Sex

Sexuality: i'm..a girl? and am into...guys? i dont understand this question.
Are You In A Relationship Now: never!
If So, With Whom: you, duhh [[ whoever's reading this (= ]]
For How Long: oh you know, a night.
Are You In Love: nope
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone: sure why not
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex: nope. okay i lied, i'm madly in love with jenjing. =)
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss: 18! yep, when i was in college. =)
Virgin: haha isn't this question kinda personal?
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time: whoever made this survey is very nosy.
Was It Enjoyable: lol i would say 99% of the population enjoys sex.
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone: haha isn't this question kinda personal?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed: lips - intimate. neck - sexy. forehead - cute. stomach - getting there... ;)
Best Love Quote: dammit i did have one but it slipped my mind. i'll get back to you on that.


Taken or Single: single.
Relationships or Flings: relationships are lovely. but flings are fun.
Whats more important looks or personality: FUNNY with a cute smile =)
Longest relationship: 4 months ~
Shortest relationship: mmm relationship? i dont know. i guess 4 months.
Crush: sure why not.
Does he know you like him: mmm i dont know, you tell me. he should have figured it out.
Tall or short: tall! but not too tall.
Skinny or Fat: um, huggable. =)
What is the first thing you notice in a guy: cute smile, for sure. =)
Funnest Date you've ever been on: i would say...rock climbing because it's different from the usual movies/dinner.
Worst Date you've been on: i don't think i've had a bad date before.
Do you believe in soulmates: mmm sure.
Do you like romantic guys: mmm, to a certain point. i want my guy to be fun. but cute-romantic, not dramatic-romantic. if he's too sweet, i get uncomfortable.
Flowers or candy: flowers!
Have you been in love: nope.
Did it work out: can't work out if it never happened =)
Has any guy ever cheated on you: i sure hope not *glares*
Have you ever cheated: hahaha nope.
If so why: because he deserved it. just keeding =)
Why do you think girls stay when they know their man is cheating on them: because they don't think they can get anyone better. but anyone is better than those douche bags who cheat on you.
Would you stay: nope. he can go screw himself.
Sweetest thing a guy's ever done for you: mmm...i would definitely say valentines day. <=) blerghskldfjadklfa;j. =/
Your Friends

Best: i would say my closest friend is cindy.
How Many Do You Have: how many friends do i have? i dont know, who keeps track of those things.
More Guys Or Girls: i would say...guys.
Love Them All: 'course!
Any You Wish You Were Closer To: mmm...yes.
Oldest: oldest friend..24 years old.
Newest: i guess brian? actually william, but he was so dirty and perverted in a rude way that i didn't bother to associate with people like him.

This Or That

Boxers or Briefs: for guys? boxers, hands down. because then i can actually wear it too =)
Thongs or G-Strings: thongs.
Shorts or Pants: mmm depends on the weather
Shoes or Barefeet: depends on the scenario..
Books or Movies: books. or movies. depends on my mood.
Night or Day: day is for some light fun, night is for some promiscuous fun.
Mountains or Beach: mountains...beach gets too hot or windy. =[
Snow or Sun: mmmm fun in the sun, and snuggle in the snow =)
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi...i guess. i dont drink soda much.
Guys or Girls: both.
Swim or Surf: swim...though i definitely would not mind learning how to surf! =)

For or Against

Gay Marriage: eh.
Abortion: if you're considering it unselfish reasons, then it should be alright. who am i to judge?
Bush Getting Re-elected: mmmm no.
Suicide: no. i'll kill you first. >=[
War: nope, but you gotta do what you have to do.. =/
Pants: pants in public, no pants in the bedroom. ;)
Clothes In General: if you're a guy with a hot body, having clothes on should definitely be made illegal.
Penises: hahaha what if i said against? then would a law be made to detach all penises from every boy? =)


Color: it fluctuates. sometimes, it's lavendar. sometimes, it's emerald green. sometimes, it's midnight blue.
Number: 26! and 8! and 5! =)
Holiday: christmas!
Season: springgg =)
Movie: a walk to remember. love and basketball. puruist of happyness. the notebook. the bourne series. lord of the rings series.
Book: i have a lott.
Magazine: oh you know. me and my roomate love to share what we learn from the newest cosmopolitan ;)
Food: depends on my mood.
Drink: passion tea! =) i drink it at work everytime.
TV Show: guy. oh, definitely heroes.
Song: depends on my mood. right now, it's bubbly - colbie collaite
Band: i like quite a few. ataris. lifehouse. daphne loves derby. starting line. ecetera..
Computer Game: starcraft? but i don't have the cd anymore :(
Video Game: mariokart! i also secretly am in love with the game ninja boy. and mario from supernintendo. =)
Flower: tulips!
Scent: my dkny - be delicious. ;)
Animal: turtle!z

More Stuff About You

Piercings: ears
Tattoos: i wouldn't mind getting one.
Smoke: nope, it's a turnoff when guys smoke. but i've learned to deal with that.
Drink: once in a purple moon i guess.
Do Drugs: nope. but i've learned to deal with guys who do.
Skinny Dip: i wouldn't mind doing that either.
Greatest Fear: a loved one dying. getting cheated on.
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla! i don't particiularly love chocolate.
Go To Church: yes every weekend
Religion: liberal catholic. (liberal = open minded)
Scars: yes! one from rock climbing. i think thats it actually..
CDs Owned: i do illegal stuff >.>
Collections: random stuff.
Like To Be Naked: sure.
Ever Eaten Sushi: yes. i dont like raw fish. i love rolls though =)
An Entire Case Of Oreos: yeap im a fatty.
Been On Stage: yes. talent show stuff.
Danced In The Rain: yes, i tend to skip around in the rain sometimes when i think nobody is looking.
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex: mmmm...i MIGHT've accidentally touched lips with maecy...but we were both drunk. hm...i should ask her about that sometime.
Weirdest Dream: oh boy, you dont want to know. :-D
Best Dream: hehehe :D i couldn't stop smiling all day.
Saddest Dream: :( i woke up crying.
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True: oh you know.
Think You're Attractive: everyone's unique in their own way.
Shoplifted: nope.
Been Caught "Doing Something": hahaha "doing something" mm, i don't think so. we were close to being caught :P
Weirdest Makeout Place:'s mostly in the bedroom. or car. or bathroom. nothing weird about those places..
Like Thunderstorms: it scares me sometimes, but sounds intriguing at the same time.
Favorite Shoes: i would boots because i look a tad bit taller =)
Favorite Quote: Life is not the amount of breaths you take -- it's the moments that take your breath away. - hitch.
Best Advice Given: "don't do it."
Worst Advice Given: "do whatever you want to do."
Favorite Song Lyric: mmm a lot.
What Quote Says Most About Your Life: The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. - E. E. Cummings
Glad This Is Over: YES. good day.